Welcome to GotyShop! While our digital store is open 24/7, our dedicated team is here to assist you during specific working hours. Please take note of our working hours for customer support and inquiries:

Customer Support Working Hours:

Monday to Sunday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (GMT + 01:00)

Our customer support team is available during the above hours to address any questions, concerns, or inquiries you may have regarding your purchases, account, or general information. Rest assured that we’ll do our best to provide prompt and friendly assistance.

Order Processing and Digital Delivery:

Our digital delivery system operates around the clock, ensuring instant delivery of your game keys upon completion of your purchase. This means you can enjoy your new gaming experience at any time, even outside our customer support working hours.

Contacting Us Outside Working Hours:

While our customer support team is available during the specified working hours, you can still reach out to us outside these times via our contact page or email [email protected] We’ll respond to your inquiries as soon as possible during the next available working hours.

Happy gaming!

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