We have no restrictions on refund times. Refunds are accepted provided the item is in unused and salable condition. Since this is a digital product, our team will check the code to ensure the product code has not been redeemed before returning it. Unused items will receive a full refund.

Under certain conditions (buyer error when placing an order, etc.) or any error during the ordering process, a refund/replacement of purchases in our online store is possible. Please contact us to determine your eligibility for a return. This process may take up to 24 hours after the sale.

Due to the nature of the product (digital), refunds cannot be issued immediately and a period will apply to ensure that the item has not been redeemed by a previous purchaser. Refunds may take up to 5 business days.

You acknowledge that if any problems arise, the customer must contact support themselves.

Need help?
Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.

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